Blog #16 Meg Swansen on Marking Stitches

4 Comment(s)
Janet Ketzler
Jan 06, 2018 12:42
you make knitting a lot easier I'm so used to stitch markers
Rebecca Skidmore
Jan 03, 2018 11:13
Such simple but invaluable tools. Just gave Katie some to use, since she is feeling the urge to knit more now that they are here in Wisconsin. Lovely family Christmas after many years. Thanks,Meg, for your blog, tips,ideas and just being you!
Deborah Gonzalez
Jan 03, 2018 10:41
Was it my computer? I didn't see a video but just a voice podcast???
Jan 03, 2018 05:08
Good morning! Thank you for highlighting the humble coil less pin for knitting markers, such a useful tool ;)